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Senior Leadership Team

  • Mr S Phipps

    Headteacher & DSL

    Likes: West Brom, pizza, exploring new countries, reading, jigsaws Dislikes: People who use hazard lights incorrectly, litter in nature, chipped nail varnish, mayonnaise, poor grammar

  • Mrs N Parkin

    Assistant Head for Inclusion (SENCO) DSL

    Likes: cuddles with my dog Barney, drawing, trifle, going out for dinner, sleep Dislikes: being late, yoghurt with bits in it, being cold, goats cheese, mess

  • Mrs E Moore

    School Business Manager

    Likes: sunshine, Marmite, friends, fun, Christmas Dislikes: sand, grumpiness, negativity, red meat, mess

  • Ms L Massbery

    Assistant Head for Curriculum, EYFS Class Teacher - Hedgehog class & DSL

    Likes: kindness, making people laugh, Crystal Palace FC, loud music, nice nails, thunderstorms Dislikes: traffic jams, rudeness, dark mornings, peas, clutter

Team Leaders

  • Mrs S Norbury

    Lower School Team Leader & Y1 Class Teacher - Panda class

    Likes: crumpets, Yorkshire tea, long dog walks, kindness, the smell of petrol Dislike: birds, being cold, having dry lips, orange squash, ignorance

  • Mrs C Croke

    Upper School Team Leader & Y3 Class Teacher - Llama class

    Likes: Winter, Cadbury crunchies, dolphins, Disney, reading Dislikes: mice, ants, rain, blue cheese, rudeness


  • Miss H Thorpe

    SSC Lead - SSC teacher

    Likes: gym and jogging, music and going to concerts, movies and theatre, art and design, food, cooking and baking Dislikes: hurtful words and unkindness, inequality, small food portions, getting my feet wet

  • Mrs S Cranfield

    SSC Teaching Assistant - Robin Class

    Likes: kindness, cake, tea, walking, Strictly Come Dancing Dislikes: wet weather, sweets, mice, roadworks

  • Mrs L Rolfe

    SSC Teaching Assistant - Robin class

    Likes: animals, biscuits, tea, walking in the woods and dancing. Dislikes: peas, being late, being cold, rudeness and cooking dinner.

  • Miss T Trueman

    SSC Teaching Assistant - Robin class

    Likes: iced coffee, laughing, dogs, South Africa and travelling Dislikes: milk, insects that fly towards me, negativity, heights

  • Mrs M Terry

    Speech and Language Therapist

    Likes: reading, baking, tea, walking on the beach, chocolate Dislikes: mushy peas, heights, spiders, pickle, coffee

Lead Teachers

  • Mrs E Prior

    EYFS Lead Teacher - Rabbit class

    Likes: pasta, sunshine, holidays, giraffes, spending time with family Dislikes: clowns, rude people, bananas, spiders, dark mornings

  • Mrs R Dillingham

    Y6 Lead Teacher - Penguin class

    Likes: dogs (especially my dog Fred!), chocolate, lucozade orange, being in Cornwall. Dislikes: garlic, being cold, traffic, rom-coms.


  • Mrs S Ansell

    EYFS Class Teacher & EYFS Teaching Assistant - Hedgehog class

    Likes: Disney, rollercoasters, crisps, shopping, holidays Dislikes: being cold, eggs, gardening, spiders, coffee

  • Miss J Harris

    Year 1 Teacher - Elephant class

    Likes: swimming in the sea, peanut butter, live music, drawing and anything crafty Dislikes: horror films, grey skies, mosquitoes, windy weather, heavy metal

  • Miss B Gasson

    Y2 Class Teacher - Koala class

    Likes: Disney, warm sunny mornings, reading, politeness, holidays to explore other countries Dislikes: oranges, dark and cold mornings, unkindness, Christmas dinners

  • Mrs K Harrison

    Year 2 Class Teacher - Kangaroo class

    Likes: reading, yoga, Edinburgh, cosy Autumn evenings, apple pie and custard Dislikes: Brussel sprouts, cold feet, ice skating, dusting, moths

  • Mrs E Scozzi

    Y2 Class Teacher - Kangaroo Class

    Likes: high heels, maths, chocolate cake, musicals and holidays Dislikes: being cold, spicy food, bad manners and Monday mornings

  • Miss H Robinson

    Y3 Teacher - Jaguar Class

    Likes: Dairy Milk chocolate, reading, WWE, coffee, long car journeys Dislikes: getting up early, people with negative outlooks, being disappointed by a book you were excited to read, large crowds

  • Mrs L Coles

    Y4 Class Teacher - Eagle class

    Likes: spending time with my family, cuddling my dog Roxy, kindness, reading, music Dislikes: wasps, the rain, unkindness, busy traffic

  • Mrs L Langlois

    Y4 Class Teacher - Bear class

    Likes: walks on the beach, a really good cup of tea, being crafty and singing Dislikes: chipped nails, not getting enough sleep, bad manners and feeling overwhelmed

  • Mrs H Wetjen

    Y4 Class Teacher - Bear class

    Likes: curry, reading, holidays, walking and having a massage! Dislike: bananas, mushrooms, blue cheese, the smell of petrol, people being rude to shop staff

  • Mrs C Doyle

    Y5 Class Teacher - Giraffe class

    Likes: theme parks, time with family, respectful people, cats (big and small), chocolate, having fun! Dislikes: rudeness, being bored, not being able to get outside - even in the rain! cleaning

  • Mr W Dyball

    Y5 Class Teacher - Lion class

    Likes: Norwich City FC, Nandos, fizzy sweets, reading, visiting new countries Dislikes: wasps, carrots, traffic jams, rain, scary movies

  • Miss T Salmon

    Y5 Teacher - Giraffe class

    Likes: animals, getting out in nature, music, swimming, watching films Dislikes: litter, cruelty, cruise ships, crowds, dark wet days

  • Mr P Carter

    Y6 Class Teacher - Orca class

    Likes: being with my friends, Toblerone, rugby, the sun (weather!), Aston Villa Football Club. Dislikes: drizzly rain, not seeing my friends over long periods, over-boiled vegetables, people not taking the time to listen to each other properly, not having enough Toblerone.

Specialist Teachers

  • Mrs C Shipp

    MFL Teacher

    Likes: eating out, going to the cinema, grandchildren, jigsaws, walking, France Dislikes: bad manners, inappropriate sunglass wearing, celery, skiing, Botox

  • Mr C Lelliott

    PE Teacher

    Likes: cycling, learning new things, cats and dogs, pasta, winter Dislikes: getting up early, bad traffic, crowded places, sushi, hot weather

  • Mr J Mott

    Music Teacher

    Likes: singing sea shanties, walks in the countryside, musical theatre, going to see bands, the sea Dislikes: itchy jumpers, supermarket car parks, bad manners, very windy weather, socks with holes in

  • Mrs L Sands

    Library Manager

    Likes: reading, genealogy, live music, gardening, walking Dislikes: crowded places, being cold, pickled eggs


  • Mrs C Cobb

    Children's Mentor

    Likes - chocolate, motorbikes, cars, crafts, family Dislikes - rudeness, bad behaviour, swearing, lies, celery

  • Mrs C Dyson

    Children's Mentor & DSL

    Likes: beach walks, sea swimming, cherry fangtastics, kitchen discos, kindness Dislikes: celery, pollution, unkindness, icy roads

Teaching Assistants

  • Mrs J Gould


    Likes: reading, walking, family time, crafting and views of and from the South Downs Dislikes: hot days, shopping, uncomfortable shoes, bad manners, and celery!

  • Mrs K Jackson

    Y3 LSA - Jaguar class

    Likes: lavender, chocolate, cooking, shopping, leopard print Dislikes: spiders, being cold, seagulls, olives, heights

  • Mrs M Ryder

    EYFS Teaching Assistant - Hedgehog class

    Likes: snow, the beach, smiles, dogs, Christmas, lipstick Dislikes: driving in the snow, itchy jumpers, feeling sad, bananas

  • Ms L Cross

    EYFS LSA - Rabbit class

    Likes: Fancy hot chocolate, Bob Mortimer, Studio Ghibli films, being arty, sunny beaches (home or away) Dislikes: being cold, damp sleeves, wildlife gifts from my cat, my alarm clock, mushrooms

  • Mrs V Moran

    Y1 Teaching Assistant - Elephant class

    Likes: baking, holidays, eating, family time, sunshine, manners Dislikes: being cold, bad manners, brussels sprouts, slugs

  • Miss C Duynisveld

    Y1 Teaching Assistant - Panda class

    Likes: reading, cats, chocolate, picnics with my family, going to the cinema, Spring Dislikes: avocado, being late, long car journeys, long toenails, MOTs

  • Mrs N Hempleman

    Y3 Teaching Assistant - Llama class

    Likes: drinking tea, beach days, the colour green, roast dinners, friendship Dislikes: dropped litter, cold feet, my alarm clock, chores, the feel of cotton wool

  • Mrs P Willis

    Y2 Teaching Assistant - Koala class

    Likes: dogs, gardens, pasta, kindness, walking Dislikes: Marmite, coriander, wet feet (mine), long queues, oven cleaning

  • Mrs J Reed

    EYFS Teaching Assistant - Rabbit class

    Likes: spending time with my family, tea, warm sunny days, cuddles, animals Dislikes: spiders, heights, clowns, sharks, and tomato ketchup

  • Mrs N Marchment

    Year 1 LSA - Panda Class

    Likes: the sea, mountain biking, a cup of tea, roast dinners and dance music Dislikes: skiing, early mornings, screaming and laundry

  • Ms C Rose

    Y2 Teaching Assistant - Kangaroo Class

    Likes: dogs and walking them, nature, music, my boys and laughing Dislikes: liquorice, shouting, dusting, caterpillars and cling film

  • Mrs A Young

    Y1 LSA & Y4 Teaching Assistant - Panda Class & Bear Class

    Likes: smiles, Autumn, cooking, driving and perfume/scents Dislikes: mess, sour candy/sweets, noisy cars and motorbikes, itchy material

  • Mrs M Bransbury

    Y3 Teaching Assistant - Jaguar class

    Likes: hot sunny days, ice cream, thunderstorms, dogs and cats, holidays Dislikes: cold weather (except snow), rice pudding, cows (terrifying), potholes

  • Mrs S Liddiard

    Y5 Teaching Assistant - Lion Class

    Likes: bowling, dancing, fruit & nut chocolate, driving Dislikes: mushrooms, heights, being cold, rudeness

  • Mrs R Hocking

    Y5 Teaching Assistant - Giraffe class

    Likes: chocolate, sunshine, the beach, animals Dislikes: spiders, being cold, mushrooms, the smell of lavender

  • Mrs S Duffett

    Y6 Teaching Assistant - Orca class

    Likes: dog walks, time with family, holidays, chocolate, seafood Dislikes: rain, fennel, spiders, rude/unkind people

  • Mrs C Ridley

    Y6 Teaching Assistant - Penguin class

    Likes: avocados, running, houseplants, dogs, time with friends Dislikes: windy weather, noisy eating, laziness, clutter, white chocolate

  • Mrs H McNie

    Forest School lead and Teaching Assistant

    Likes: Dr Who, folk and rock music, camping, dungeons and dragons, cheesy chips. Dislikes: rudeness, being ill, unhappy endings, very spicy food, running out of time (see Dr Who).

  • Mrs A Bateman

    LSA - Panda & Rabbit class

    Likes: penguins, chocolate, running, walks on the South Downs, camping with my family Dislikes: snakes, wasps, the sound of polystyrene being scraped, unkindness, cold toast

  • Mrs S Fosberry


    Likes: sunny days, long walks, drawing, coffee and cake Dislikes: rainy days, late nights, housework and unkindness

Office Staff

  • Mrs K Pendrey

    School Secretary

    Likes: umpiring netball, sheep, Christmas, cosy fires, horror films Dislikes: untidiness, blue cheese, lateness, people using the word obviously

  • Mrs J Dunford


    Likes: flip-flops, sandy beaches, dogs, hiking, photography Dislikes: mud, baked beans, cleaning, homework, rudeness

  • Mrs S Rampersad


    Likes: holidays, reading, kindness, doughnuts, the gym Dislikes: early mornings, rudeness, the rain, moths

  • Mrs H Price

    Finance Assistant & Welfare Officer

    Likes: my Bed, watching sport, Mr Whippy ice-cream, Australia, 80’s music Dislikes: mornings, hot drinks, frogs, autobiographies, rudeness

Premises Staff

  • Mr A Emery

    Premises Officer

    Like: sunny weather, dogs, seafood, football, woodland Dislikes: rain, being cold, bad manners, late buses, TV adverts

  • Mr C Read

    Casual Caretaker

    Likes: darts, fishing, football, chocolate, sweets, Pepsi Max Dislikes: cold weather, vegetables, fruit, rats, spiders

Welfare Staff

  • Mrs C Freemantle

    Welfare Officer

    Likes: Elvis and Rock'n'Roll, fresh air, vintage motorbikes, roast dinners, dancing Dislikes: unkindness, really strong coffee, long journeys, hot curries

Midday Meals Supervisor

  • Miss R Fallowfield

    Midday Meals Supervisor

    Likes: filming and editing, makeup and fashion, wine, online shopping, fun days out Dislikes: snow, spiders, brussel sprouts, heavy metal, scary films

  • Mrs L Hakim

    Midday Meals Supervisor

    Likes: rice, movies, kindness and sharing Dislikes: sweets, rudeness, carrots and cloudy weather

  • Mrs D Tonkin

    Midday Meals Supervisor

    Likes: woodwork, horses and donkeys, off-roading, thunderstorms, drawing Dislikes: tea and coffee, cake, mushrooms, snakes, swimming